Don’t just sit on the couch waiting for the Corps to waive the current Physical Fitness Test season.
The current semi-annual physical fitness test period spanning roughly January to summer is still on despite disruptions that have shuttered gyms across major Marine installations.
There has been no decision yet to postpone or waive the current PFT season.
“To date, the Marine Corps has not implemented a service-wide policy to cancel or codify the postponement of annual training requirements; however, the situation remains fluid and continues to be assessed,” Maj. Melanie Salinas, a Marine spokeswoman, told Marine Corps Times in an emailed statement Monday afternoon.
Salinas explained that individual commanders and units have the power to suspend or “temporarily postpone” annual training requirements due to COVID-19 concerns.

Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger has empowered commanders to make COVID-19 decisions based on unique threats or circumstances within their region.
“All Marine Corps leaders and commanders will apply risk-mitigation while accounting for mission readiness,” Salinas said.
So it’s time to put down the COVID-19 survival snack stash and start getting those body weight exercises in.
Gyms across major Marine bases are shuttered, but heavy gym equipment isn’t necessary to knock out a high score on the PFT.
There are a number of high intensity body weight exercises that can be done in lieu of bulky gym equipment.
Check out the Marine Corps Force Fitness Division’s Instagram page for workouts and tips, some that can be done at home.
Some units have already temporarily suspended the PFT. And other units have found interesting ways to encourage fitness and training while cooped up at home.
The commander of the Camp Pendleton, Caifornia, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, has put out a commander’s challenge to push Marines to train, exercise and stay spiritually fit while implementing proper health guidelines.
The challenges is broken down into points that can be earned based on training or fitness events completed.
The situation remains fluid and the Corps could waive the PFT at a later date.
Shawn Snow is the senior reporter for Marine Corps Times and a Marine Corps veteran.