More US troops deploying to US-Mexico borderRoughly 1,500 more soldiers will deploy to the southern border to support President Trump’s expanding crackdown on immigration, a U.S. official said.By Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press36 hours ago
Senators detail desired missile defense elements for Trump’s Iron DomeTwo senators introduced a bill that would authorize $19.5 billion for fiscal 2026 to build out Trump's "Iron Dome for America."By Jen Judson2 days ago
Navy League urges rapid expansion of battle fleet for future warsThe nonprofit is asking lawmakers to bolster the Navy's fleet of battle force ships in preparation for long-term and large-scale wars.By Nikki Wentling3 days ago
US Navy hits drone with HELIOS laser in successful testThe destroyer Preble successfully test-fired its HELIOS system on a drone target, according to a recently released report.By Riley Ceder5 days ago
Marine Corps passes second straight audit as other services lag behindThe Marine Corps has passed its second annual audit, the only service yet to accomplish the goal. The DOD has until fiscal 2028 to pass.By Jen Judson5 days ago
Texas Guard can make immigration arrests under new Trump agreementTexas Guard soldiers now have the authority to help detain and deport undocumented people under an agreement between Texas and the Trump administration.By Alejando Serrano, The Texas Tribune6 days ago