Latest ""
MRE fruits and veggies to get major upgrade with new technology
The main goal is to preserve not only the nutrition of the produce but also its taste.
By Sarah Sicard
Commissaries bid adieu to Little Debbie snack cakes
What remains of Little Debbie commissary stock is all that will be sold of the snack cakes.
By Sarah Sicard
Could the Defense Production Act save Klondike’s ‘Choco Taco?’
The "Choco Taco" is no more, after nearly 40 years.
By Sarah Sicard
Air Force makes the world’s saddest PB&J sandwich
Bread? Where we're going, you don't need bread.
By Sarah Sicard
Coast Guard offers vegan food tasty enough to win a PETA award
PETA hopes these dining options will expand to other military installations.
By Sarah Sicard
Pizza through a straw? How U-2 pilots snack at 70,000 feet
Have you ever slurped pizza through a straw?
By Sarah Sicard
Need a date night idea? Try MREs
If you can't cook for your date, the military has you covered.
By Sarah Sicard
DARPA has a crappy new idea to help soldiers
When you're deployed to Iraq and your stomach starts to gak, diarrhea
By Aaron Mehta
Meal, Refusing-to-Exit — scientific study backs long-held belief that MREs make it harder to defecate
Defacation reportedly returned to normal once participants resumed their regular diet.
By Jon Simkins