The deployment announcements include aviation, armor and sustainment brigade deployments.
The 3rd Infantry Division ran cybersecurity for one of its brigades that was deployed to a challenging and far away training exercise.
Three brigades are experimenting with new tech and tactics that could shape how they deploy to tomorrow's fights.
Pvt. Travis King's attorney said a new date for the preliminary hearing has not yet been scheduled.
The Marine Corps shut down the squadron in 2022 as part of its overall force redesign.
The vehicle had its overseas operational debut in May.
The missile gives users better standoff and true "fire and forget" capabilities.
The capability allows Marine drones to fly farther for distributed operations.
A key vessel Marines need to move around in a potential island shootout with China is two years behind schedule.
The current version of the launcher creates a bright flash and large smoke cloud when fired, potentially giving away the position of Marines.
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