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Senators demand DOD answers on troops’ self-inflicted brain injuries
The move follows reports of troops suffering significant injuries from the concussive blasts from their own weapons.
Austin signals intent to recommend changes to military sexual assault prosecutions
Austin is not ruling out support for removing sexual assault prosecutions from the chain of command.
Armed Services committees and the election: Here’s what we know
Stay tuned for updates as results for key congressional races continue to roll in. Will there be a major shakeup for the congressional Armed Services committees?
By Joe Gould
Lawmakers question VA approach on burn pits, advance bill to help military toxic exposure victims
The moves continued congressional goal of addressing the issue of burn pits in some way this year.
Lawmakers call for investigation, ‘thorough review’ of $7.2 billion household goods contract
TRANSCOM's choice of bidders for the contract to privatize household goods moves is 'deeply troubling'
By Karen Jowers
Plan would mandate more research, assistance for veterans facing toxic exposure illnesses
The move comes amid renewed scrutiny over how the Defense and Veterans Affairs Departments handle cases of chemical exposure among service members.
Two hearings set on controversial Pentagon policy nominee
The Senate Armed Services Committee has set a hearing for Anthony Tata, President Donald Trump’s embattled pick for the Pentagon’s top policy job, on July 30.
By Joe Gould
Make them pay: Jon Stewart wants ‘war profiteers’ to pay for burn pit exposures
A comedian, reporter, congressman, and senator advocate broader coverage for military veterans exposed to toxic chemicals during service.
By Todd South
Key Senate panel approves 3 percent pay raise for troops next year
If approved, troops would see back-to-back years with 3 percent pay raises for the first time in a decade.
Senate to vote on ending border emergency that diverted DoD funds
The Senate is voting this week on whether to end the president’s emergency diversion of military funding to his border wall.
By Joe Gould