Time to get your swell on, Marines: Gyms across the Corps are starting to open, but with some limitations to help stem the spread of COVID-19.
Some gyms remain closed, but major installations from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Camp Pendleton, California, to Quantico, Virginia, have some fitness centers open aboard their respective installations.
Capt. Allison Burgos a spokeswoman for Quantico, told Marine Corps Times in an emailed statement that Quantico’s Barber Physical Activities Center is open for active duty and first responders.
She explained the gym is limiting access to 50 people at a time with a one-hour limit that expires at the top of every hour. Marines may reenter the facility after their hour has expired but they must exit the gym and get back in line.

A face mask is required, equipment must be wiped down with disinfectant and social distancing must be adhered to while working out, Burgos said.
“We want the Marines and residents of Quantico to be able to stay fit and strong, but also maintain the safety and health of our community on base,” Burgos said.
Marine fitness and High Intensity Tactical Training, or HITT centers, started opening on May 8 across Pendleton, according to the Marine Corps Community Services’ website for the base.
Workouts are also limited to an hour for active duty and face masks are required.
The Pendleton MCCS website calls for 10 feet of social distancing, while prohibiting spotting, max lifting, partner, or group or circuit training while working out.
Semper Fit fitness centers aboard Lejeune and the New River air station started to open to active-duty personnel on May 8.
“In order to best mitigate potential health and safety issues related to the COVID19 pandemic, active duty personnel will be granted limited access to Semper Fit Fitness Centers at the top of each hour and given a one-hour time limit to exercise,” MCCS Lejeune-New River, posted on their website.
MCCS Lejeune-New River said face masks will be required at all times, towel service at the gyms were suspended, gym patrons must wipe down equipment, spotting is prohibited, gym-goers must social distance, and showers, saunas and water fountains will be unavailable.
Marines check with your base’s local gym or MCCS for further details and restrictions for gym use. Not all gyms across the Corps have reopened.
Burgos also said the HITT Center and track aboard Quantico was open for patron use “with the same cleaning and distancing rules in place.”
Shawn Snow is the senior reporter for Marine Corps Times and a Marine Corps veteran.